Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pole Stars 2009!

It was a very eventful day indeed, what more; it’s the first time I was participating in a dancing competition! Pole dancing competition! Thank yew organizers : D

It started off with the stage rehearsals @ Saigon Bar in the morning which was supposed to start at about 10am, and didn’t start proper until 11am which was like.. Malaysian timing at its best. : D I was kinda tired from practicing till late the previous day, choreographing the last of my finals dance, so I arrived fashionably late, and just in time for the Fitpole group to rehearse.

After that, I lingered around to continue practicing and to get used to that small cramped space we get to dance on. I was so worried because my palms were sweating uncontrollably and if this happens later, I wouldn’t be even able to execute my routine let alone complete it. Fortunately… Kenny had brought along an extra pair of gloves, which saved my life. WOOT!

By that time, it was about 3pm and I returned home for food, I hadn’t eaten the whole day so I was extremely hungry : ( So I requested for some mashed potatoes… Yea, requested, because I CAN. So my lil sister made mashed potatoes for me while I returned home : D Fresh, mashed Holland potatoes, and that’s how you should be eating potatoes kids. I devoured my lunch and proceeded to sleep.. what a pig D: its called hibernating. I didnt have time to eat dinner.
So I awoke at about 6pm and scrambled to get ready for the competition. Once there, well, I was actually decently early, I popped in my headphones and practiced my moves. Damn, I was nervous ><>: )

The Fitpole semi finals didn’t start until about 9. And when that was over with, I got selected out of the 6 to be in the running for the finals^^ Sadly.. Michelle had to go : (

Anyway... yea, and it was this time which I forgot to bring the battery pack for my ultimate costume! I was so tensed up I wouldn’t be able to get it in time and sent my dad to fetch it from the house.. Thanks a lot dad! So yea.. Jenny went first, then Tess, Jeaney Olly.. then ME! And I forgot my moves towards the end.. DAMN. It cost me my place : ( It was so close! Well, that also isn’t the attribute I guess, I’ve got a lot more to learn as a dancer.

But yea… Runner up isn’t that bad! : D Great for a freshie^^. After that, I could feel all the built up tension disappear. All the hard work and effort used for 4 minutes of fame. It was a great experience : D

After that, I celebrated in Bangkung with a couple of drinks! O yea~

Stupid Fella :P 

Special thanks to: Arthur, Marianne and Riz for the pictures : )


Leonard said...

Woohoo ! Somebody's a Pole Dancer man ! I like u !

i think male pole dancer is way cool !

~brendacmy~ said...

Hey, congrats on your pole dancing competition. Sorry for the late comments. Hehe...xD Take care, hugs...=D Hope I get to see you dance.^_^

jennykoo said...

Congrats :)

Always knew you had it in ya.l

And no, that's not me just being pole-ite.
