Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The New Year 2008

How do you spend your new year? Big question?

Step one! Choose your finest alcohol!

Lol, we bought too much..! What we have left is a big bottle of Carlsberg, 2 bottles of heineken, and a bottle of Corona.. Shouldda bought some nice liqour instead wei.. =/

Step two! Thats Jack Daniels by the way.. Drink up la of course!

 Drink and smile~!

Step three..! Get wasted man!! WOOHOO!

Bangsar - 8am 1 Jan
Caution! Please do not repeat the following stunt above as it may endanger your life.

Oh yeah, and i spent abit more time sleeping over at the park too!

Jahahaha, now you know where the best sleeping area when it comes to sleeping in open spaces :P The weather was awesome..! But damn those bloodsucking mosquitoes! Thats why i'm curled up like that, getting ready for swatting action! ^_^

And thats how i spent celebrating 2007-2008!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Dude, if I celebrated the New Year doing what you did, I might be dead by now. XD
Nice blog though, come see mine: